3rd Party Trackers (Optional)

A 3rd Party Tracker is an additional measurement beyond what is available in the Criteo platform. Trackers, in the form of either an image code or javascript code, are appended to ads for several reasons, including 3rd party verification to ensure your ads are not attributing any fraudulent clicks.

3rd-party trackers are applied in the Creative step of line item creation and can be applied as:

  • Global tracker: Track all selected creatives across your campaign through one centralised tracker

  • Creative-specific tracker: Set up a specific tracker for each creative for close monitoring

There are two types of 3rd-party trackers:

  • Impression tracker:

  • Click tracker:

    • Optional, you can activate one click tracker per line item / creative

    • Enter a tracker prefix, format example: https://ad.myredirection.net/tracker/?url=

    • Enter a tracker suffix, format example: &utm_source=criteo&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=my_campaign

  • VAST video tracker

    • Specific for video

    • Applicable only on the creative level (creative-specific tracker)

List of supported ad servers

We are currently supporting the following ad servers that can be used for 3rd-party tracking:

  • Ad Form

  • Adition

  • ADVentori 

  • AdvertServe

  • Bannerflow

  • Bannerwise

  • Flashtalking

  • Google (Google tag service and former double-click format)

  • Integral Ad Science

  • Revjet

  • Sizmek

  • VirtualMind (adVentory)

  • Weborama

If your ad server is not present in the list, please, contact your campaign manager.


Macros are components that may be added to Click and Impression-tracking URLs within double curly braces. At the time of banner display, these components get replaced by the corresponding value.

For instance, the macro {{adsetid}} will be replaced by the ID of the Ad Set from which the ad originated. Thus, including the macro {{adsetid}} in an impression tracking URL or click tracking URL allows you to track which campaign’s Ad Set was the source of a given ad display. For example, given the following click tracking URL: http://mylandingpage.com/tracking?campaign={{adsetid}}, for an ad display for Ad Set 257842, the actual landing URL would translate into: http://mylandingpage.com/tracking?campaign=257842

The macros that may be used in click and impression tracking URLs are in the table below.

Macro Name


Example Value


The numerical ID of the campaign (Ad set) The

banner originated from



  1. If the banner type is HTML

  2. If the banner type is Video

  3. If the banner type is Native



Apple device identifier (IDFA, uppercase) If

available, or Android device identifier (GAID, E57293961239 (OS device)

lowercase) if available, or empty

01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF on iOS


01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef on Android


Domain name of the publisher where the ad is displayed on web (empty on app supply)


gdpr (*)


To determine whether the ad display is subject to GDPR regulations

0 (GDPR does not apply)


1(GDPR applies)

gdpr_consent_kv (*)

Criteo-specific GDPR consent parameter with associated IAB TCF v2 consent parameter string if the consent is not empty. More info here.

This macro resolves to gdpr_consent=XXX (where XXX is the IAB TCF v2 consent string) when the consent string is not empty.
If the consent string is empty, the macro resolves to an empty string value.


Operating system of the device



Pseudo-random value to be used as a cache buster



Current Epoch timestamp



Ad Id, the unique Ad Identifier



The numerical ID for the Criteo Marketing Campaign



Impression slot height in pixels

600 for a 160*600 banner


Impression slot width in pixels

160 for a 160*600 banner


Display environment of the display

App or Web


Bundle/App ID of the publisher app where the ad is displayed when in-app

com.opera.mini.native (android) 1207472156 (iOS)


User-readable name of the publisher app where ad is displayed when in-app

Opera Mini - fast web browser (for com.opera.mini.native on android) Wordscapes (for 1207472156 on iOS)


User-agent header as received by the service generating the URL (e.g. ads.criteo.com or cat.criteo.com)

Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4; Mobile; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0