Analytics Dashboards
The Analytics tab is your central hub for accessing all data related to your campaigns within the platform. It offers powerful tools to analyze and understand your campaign performance.
Comprehensive Data Access: Both raw and packaged data are available, allowing you to explore campaign results in depth. You can configure the analytics view using a variety of dimensions and metrics to get insights tailored to your needs.
Real-Time Updates: The platform is updated regularly, providing real-time data and insights 24/7. You can access up-to-date information on your campaign performance at any time.
Customizable Reporting: The Analytics tab allows you to create and download a variety of reports. These reports provide a detailed and clear breakdown of your campaign performance, helping you make informed decisions.
Saved and Scheduled Reports: You can save specific report formats for future use and schedule automatic reports to receive real-time updates and insights into your campaigns without having to generate them manually.
Learn about how to pull reports, available dimensions, and metrics and also about each section under the Analytics tab in detail by clicking on the tiles below.