Before the Key Sales Period

  • In fact, the line item learning phase starts whenever you select the Conversions or Revenue Optimizer. The optimizer will take 7-10 days on average before reaching maximum efficiency. We recommend you do NOT change your line-item bid settings during the learning curve and anticipate Key sales periods by creating campaigns in advance. If you change your bids too often, the prediction algorithm will become less efficient as it will have less data to optimize towards.

  • For more information, view this article which covers the different optimizers in the platform.


  • Please contact your Criteo representative to find out more about the premium formats available. Onsite display formats are built for maximizing consideration. They are powered by unique 1st party data. These campaigns allow advertisers to tell their story more broadly on a retailer’s site or app, while driving sales for specific products.

  • This advice is both for your Criteo campaigns and to maximize your SEO. In these very competitive times, these improvements are very important to help improve your visibility.

  • Quality Score is a diagnostic tool meant to give a sense of how your ad quality compares to other advertisers. A higher Quality Score, the more relevant and useful your ad is to the shopper.

  • It would be a shame to find your products out of stock during a key sales period. Don't hesitate to maximize your inventory and increase the number of references in your campaigns to compensate for potential stock shortages.

  • This will allow you to ensure your products are visible when you are in a niche category, and capture as many ad placements as possible compared to your competitors in very competitive categories.

Group your products by strategy. For example, you can choose to target branded keywords for some products and unbranded keywords for others. You could also bid higher on upper funnel placements like a homepage, or lower funnel tactics closer to the purchase.

Some examples of groupings can be found below:

  • You can group products by category if you have a different strategy for each category of your brand.

  • You can group products by price range if you have large price differences in your products and that implies a different strategy.

  • You can group them by premium and loss leader products.

  • You can group products by Hero vs Newness

  • You can group them with big promotions on one side and new products on the other.

During & After the Key Sales Period

During the Key Sales Period

  • It is important to not adjust the line item's optimizer settings (such as switching from Conversion to Revenue optimizer mid sales period).

  • Be careful with your capping and make sure line item or campaign caps do not conflict and cause you to miss spend opportunities by being too restrictive.

Here are some other resources to help you during peak seasons:

After the Key Sales Period

If you made adjustments to your line item ahead of the key sales period, make sure to adjust them back to normal if that is what you want to do.

  • If you increased your bid for the peak season, make sure to turn back your increased CPC in your line item settings.

  • If you used a product bid override or page-type bid multiplier, remember to adjust them.

Utilize the platform reporting and dashboards to gather learnings:

  • Take some time to see what worked so you can better prepare for the next peak period.

  • Think about other setups, retailers, and audiences you could capture to help expand your footprint.