How to Associate an Audience to a Line Item?

After creating an audience, you can associate it with a Line Item on the Targeting step when setting up a line item. On the Campaigns page, click the Campaign Name to access the Line Items page, and then click the line item name.  

  • The line item and the audience must be targeting the same brand to be associated with each other.  

  • The line item and the audience must have the same retailer to be associated with each other.  

In the Targeting step of setting up a line item, you’ll have the option to select the type of audience you would like to reach. Your options will be an Automated audience or a Custom audience.

To associate an Automated audience, simply select the Automated Audience box and choose Next. The audience will automatically be created and associated with the line item. To learn more, please see Automated Audiences.

To associate a Custom audience, select the Custom Audience box and choose from your created audiences.

Search for and select at least one audience. 

  • By default, the search returns the first 25 audience segments that match the search query. To see more results, either increase the number of items per page or navigate to the next page.  

Easily filter between Audiences built with the Audience Builder from the Customer Lists shared by retailers by using the drop-down list.

For more information on associating an audience to a line item, you can reference Step 4: Select Audience of creating an Offsite line item.

Delete an Audience

To delete an audience that you have created, hover over the audience you wish to delete in the Audiences Library and click the trash icon.   

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