Attribution Overview

With the ability to run Ads across the systems, our Onsite & Offsite Attribution windows will ensure that a consolidated user journey is accounted for in the Criteo ecosystem. 


Attribution enables you to measure the effectiveness of your ad spend and the value of purchases your ad spend yields. This causal relationship is measured on a per-purchase level, and requires the following - 


  • User interacts with (clicks or views) an ad containing a product 

  • Same user buys a product at some point in the future 

  • Purchased product is related to the advertised product in one of four ways: 

    • Same Brand: They saw an ad for ABC fridge and bought ABC phone 

    • Same Category: They saw an ad for ABC fridge and bought ABC freezer 

    • Same Parent SKU: They saw an ad for a Black ABC fridge and bought the same ABC fridge in White 

    • Same SKU: They saw an ad for ABC fridge and bought the same ABC fridge 


Attribution Lookback Windows 

A lookback window specifies how far in the past we should consider ad events for a campaign for attribution. The window can be set as 7, 14, or 30 days, separately for both post-Click and post-View. Choosing a lookback window applies the same rule to all line items within a campaign, ensuring fair competition.