Standard Terms
App bundle
A list of apps for inclusion and exclusion.
Audience definitions
Viewed Products: Targeting shoppers who have looked at products in a given period of time.
Purchased Products: Targeting shoppers who have previously purchased products.
Added Products to Cart: Targeting shoppers who have relevant products in their currently in their cart.
Closed loop measurement
Closed-loop measurement allows you to link purchase data with campaign exposure data. This means you can determine the online and offline sales effectiveness of your addressable campaigns.
A Commerce Max solution used to target unique audiences using retailer first-party data and reach shoppers across the open internet, driving back to
Retail Media Demand-Side Platform (DSP): Brands and agencies can use the DSP to access unique retailer inventory and deliver e-retail ads to expand shopper reach and grow sales.
Retail Media Supply-Side Platform (SSP) Retailers can use the SSP to efficiently manage their ad inventory.
Creative Types
Image Banner
Image is a banner creative type that uses static image with brand and product messaging to engage shoppers.
Image creatives can be easily established by uploading the image file or inserting the HTML code snippet from the 3rd-party ad server.
Image banners help drive consideration for a brand/product but do not need to be dynamically updated. They can also be used to promote brand-specific promotions at a retailer.
Dynamic Display
Dynamic Display is a creative format generated automatically by CMax, utilizing product details such as name, price, and images directly from the retailer's catalog.
The settings for Dynamic Display creatives, including fonts and colors, can be configured manually. Once products are selected in the line item, the creative will be automatically generated upon launching the campaign.
This method proves to be highly effective in boosting performance and re-engaging users who have previously interacted with the brand's products on the retailer's website, encouraging them to complete their purchase or make a new one.
Video is a creative type that uses relevant and engaging online video creatives to inspire shopper purchases and increase brand awareness.
Video creatives can be set up by uploading the MP4 video file or activating the VAST URL from your ad server.
Videos are a great method to help build brand affinity with potential new shoppers. Brands can use existing video assets they already use for television and other digital campaigns.
Bidding and Pricing
Billing Model
The method used by Criteo to bill a client. Generally, the billing method will match the pricing method. For example, if inventory is priced as a fixed flat rate CPM, Criteo will bill the client for the inventory as a fixed flat rate CPM. While Criteo will bill the client, the price may be set by another party (retailer, publisher, etc).
Pricing Model
The model used to price the inventory, data, managed service, and tech. In the case of Offsite media:
Inventory is priced by the publisher via a CPM minimum
Data is priced by the retailer via a fixed flat rate CPM or a per cent of working media fee (retailer-specific)
Tech is priced by Criteo and third-party tech partners via a per cent of working media fee and flat rate CPM
Managed service is priced by Criteo via a percent of the working media fee
Examples: Flat rate CPM, dynamic CPM, CPC, percent of media, etc.
Strategy Targets (Optimization Goals)
The method used by an advertiser in a DSP to bid on potential advertising opportunities. Depending on the goal you aim to achieve with the offsite campaign advertisement, the optimization engine will adjust the bidding strategy (deciding whether to bid on each specific bid opportunity and at what bid CPM) to attain optimal outcomes.
Strategy targets may include maximizing the number of landed clicks or maximizing the number of completed video views.
Qualified clicks: Clicks that have at least 2 events* or 1 sale within an hour of the click.
Video Views: Completed video views by users
In-Platform Metrics
Total number of unique users from the open web who are targeted by an ad.
Avg. CPC
The average cost-per-click. Calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Completion Rate
The number of times your video ads played for the full duration divided by the number of times they started (Played 100% / Starts).
Cost per View
Spend divided by the number of times your video ads started (Spend / Starts).
Cost per Completed View
Spend divided by the number of completed video views (Spend / Played 100%).
The number of times your Criteo ads were clicked on by a shopper on publishers’ websites.
Click-through rate (CTR)
Calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Exposed Users
The number of distinct visitors inside the audience group who were served an ad. Each user is counted only once, even if a user viewed the ad multiple times.
The average number of times an ad is displayed to the same shopper. Calculated by dividing the total number of impressions by unique visitors.
The number of times your Criteo ads were displayed to a shopper.
Reach Rate
The number of unique users divided by the total audience.
Return on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of attributed Sales by the total ad Spend.
Revenue generated that can be attributed to your Criteo Ads.
Total spend including any fees.
Start Rate
The number of times your video ads started divided by the number of impressions (Starts / Impressions).
Number of units sold that can be attributed to your Criteo Ads.
The percentage of measurable ad impressions that were considered viewable according to IAB standards.
Win Rate
The number of impressions won divided by the total number of impressions that were bid on.
Video Metrics
Counting under the video metrics is cumulative. This means that when you see a video listed under Played 75%, it has also been included in the counts for Played 50% and all preceding quartiles.
Played 25%
The number of times one of your video ads was played to at least 25% of its duration. Includes count of Played 100%, Played 75% and Played 50%.
Played 50%
The number of times one of your video ads was played to at least 50% of its duration. Includes count of Played 100% and Played 75%.
Played 75%
The number of times one of your video ads was played to at least 75% of its duration. Includes count of Played 100%.
Played 100%
The number of times one of your video ads played for the full duration.