Select Products
In step 2 of your line item creation, you select the products that you want to promote. The sales of the selected products will be attributed to your line item according to attribution settings (exactly selected products/products from the same category/products of the same brand). At a minimum, it’s recommended to select 10 unique in-stock products (especially in case you use DCO as a creative type) and a maximum of 100 products can be added. You have two options to search for products:
You can search by keyword using the ‘Search Account Catalog’ module
Or you can search by Product IDs by using the ‘Find matches by product IDs’ module.
Finding Products with the Search Account Catalog
By default, you can search by keyword using the ‘Search Account Catalog’ module.
Enter the name of the product in the search bar and click the Search button.
Products that match the search query will be returned in the Search Results table. Within the Search Results table:
To select a product, mark the box on the right-hand side.
To select all matched products, click Select All button on the top right-hand side.
To deselect a product, clear the box on the right-hand side.
To deselect all products, click Deselect All button on the top right-hand side.
By default, the Search Results table returns the first 50 products that match the search query. To see more results, either increase the number of products per page via the dropdown on the button right-hand corner or navigate to the next page using the arrow on the bottom right-hand side.
If you are having trouble finding a product, please reach out to your Criteo representative.