Audience & Targeting

Edit Audience Selection

Edit the audience that you would like to be targeted by your ad. All audiences relevant to the retailer will appear for selection. You can switch between automated and custom audiences.


Define the region or country you would like your ad to target. This is a good option if your products are only available in specific areas. 

To change the locations you would like to target, click the edit button. You will then have the option to search for countries to include or exclude for targeting.

Edit Targeting


Edit the traffic settings of your line item:

  • Environment allows you to choose if you would like to target web or in-app shoppers. Targeting both is recommended for the greatest reach.  

  • Device type allows you to choose whether you would like to target shoppers using a specific device such as a desktop, phone, or tablet. Targeting all three is recommended for the greatest reach.  

  • Mobile Operating System allows you to choose if you would like to target specific mobile operating systems (applicable if phone and/ or tablet is selected in “Device” targeting). Targeting all three is recommended.

  • SSP allows you to target traffic from specific Supply-Side Platforms (SSP). For SSPs, you will be able to include as many as you would like from the list of options provided. If none are selected, all will be included automatically.  

  • Domain / App Bundle Lists allow you to specify the lists of domains and applications you want to target specifically (allow list) or exclude from bidding (block list). The Criteo blocklist is applied by default for all of your campaigns. Your custom blocklists will be applied in parallel with the Criteo default blocklist.

If you’re editing a video campaign, you can also edit the video-specific settings:

  • Placements

  • In-stream Positions

  • Player Ratio

  • Video Player Size

  • Video and sound triggers

  • Ad Skipping

  • Rewarded Placements

Please, find out more details about targeting settings in the Targeting section of line item creation documentation.

Brand Safety

Criteo is committed to ensuring a trusted and safe advertising ecosystem aligned with the marketing goals and brand requirements of marketers and media owners alike. We have rigorous Supply Partner Guidelines in place and maintain global inventory controls to discard bid requests and displays from inventory sources that have been found in infractions of our guidelines.

You can edit the settings of the pre-bid vendor services present in C-Max:

  • Brand Safety (Double Verify) - you can change the list of content categories you want to exclude to protect your campaign from serving ads in the non-safe environment.

  • IVT (Integral Ad Science) - you can change the list of invalid traffic filtering categories - IP addresses, domains or app bundles.

  • Pre-bid viewability (Integral Ad Science) - you can change the minimal viewability rate that you aim to reach with the line item.

For more information on pre-bid targeting, see the article Create a Line Item, Audience & Targeting.